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Os is two letters short from josh. Os has a HUGE ASS AND PENIS but can never get a girl or boy to stick with them. Os is handsome as fuck but he can’t swim. Os is the odd friend in a group Os will eat dirt and shit in a bucket for fun and maybe listen to a 3 hour long video of Millie bobby brown singing.

Os is weird but so cool at the same time.

by Sharon420.69 June 4, 2020


Outside like get lit or have fun

Yu gonna be Os today? Or you put up

by CatchahcutM May 10, 2022



Person one: we been dry lately we need to gt a party assum
Person two: yeaa fs we gotta get os

by sluttttttttttttt June 9, 2023


Get off TikTok Josh smh...

You're still here? Come on os.

by Antibatty April 29, 2020



“This relationship has always been os.

by Restlessness June 23, 2022


The action of 'knowing him' and hence grabbing the individual's hand and proceeding to eat it multiple times

Ah fuck! He is running at me with his hand on his ass! He is going to os me!

by Cameron's friend June 16, 2022


The only human on earth that is perfect. She has an amazing personality. The best girlfriend a guy could ever ask for. She is smart, caring, talented, beautiful and sexy as fuck.

Person #1: “ Damn look at this girl, she must be an Os
Person #2: “ Bro I think I’m gonna die she’s way to fine”

by Anonymous62825279163 June 1, 2020