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pajama butter

After waking up from a wet dream.

Dude, I woke up with pajama butter.

by L3R01 January 21, 2018

laws of pajamas

it is against the law to wear pajamas while working out.

Billy: hey Phil, whats wrong with you?
Phil: what do you mean? im working out.
Billy: yea but in pajamas dude it against the laws of pajamas.

by The kid named squid February 8, 2021

Pajama slippers

Socks that have rubber or some kind of tread on the bottom that keeps you from slipping.

Don't walk on the new flooring in socks, wear pajama slippers.

by relief May 15, 2018


An adult who likes comic book movies and thinks they're a respectable form of art. Abbreviated to APBs.

(A conversation overheard between two Adults-in-pajama-bottoms)
Jeremy: Hey, Sam! Did you see the new Batman?! Watching the same story told in 1,000 slightly different ways is so deep.

Sam: I couldn't agree more! Stan Lee was the modern day William Shakespeare!

by technowatermelon July 2, 2023

pajama shoes

When a female is asleep and she gets rammed in the asshole so hard she wakes up thinking you shoved a shoe up there.

I just pajama shoes my girlfriend in her sleep.

by Cmurda81 October 30, 2017