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Pinch and Dig

A more extreme version of Pinch and Roll. When pinching and rolling isn't enough to stop the itch, instead you dig the nails of your index and/or middle fingers deep into the flesh of your scrotum, all the while pinching with your thumb in the desired location to provide a supporting surface.

Doing so may cause both a great deal of satisfaction (from the satiated itch) and pain (from the intense clawing).

It might, in fact, leave your ballsack incredibly sensitive and tingly. It is recommended to play with your balls after this, as you will feel incredibly good and make you instantly hard which will make you wanna jerk off.

Bob's balls were unusually itchier than usual, so he used the pinch and dig method to soothe his monstrous itch. He ended up with an extremely tingly ballsack and got a huge boner henceforth.

by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian January 7, 2020

Pinch Nigger

In baseball, a pinch hitter who also happens to be black.

The original batter is injured, so it looks like we're gonna have a pinch nigger, hank aaron, bat for him instead

by Pinch Niggers Rule October 4, 2009

12๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Quick Pinch

An informal, yet polite, way to excuse yourself from any situation where you must run and eradicate your cramping bowels of fecal matter because holding it is simply not an option.

Example 1:
Carl's Boss: Our third quarter profits were above expectation..............Yes Carl?
Carl: Sir I will be right back. I need to run for a Quick Pinch.
Carl's Boss: Understandable. As I was saying............

Example 2:
Sandy: Honey, please stop at the next gas station. I need to do a Quick Pinch. That meatloaf back at the diner we ate at is scooting through me.

by Eaton Holgoode April 30, 2015

12๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gentleman's Pinch

A small amount of marijuana (usually from .5 grams to 2 grams) given to a friend or regular customer that has run out. Typically this is to tide them over until the regular smoker can purchase their next bag.

Friend 1: "Shit man I'm all out and I don't get paid until tomorrow!"

Friend 2: "I'm still holding. Don't sweat it. I'll run you a Gentleman's Pinch here in a few."

Friend 1: "Awesome. Was about to be a long day!"

by Memphis Chris September 4, 2010

10๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pinch Hitter

When a guy/girl cannot fuck the person s/he REALLY wants to fuck that night, they call in a pinch hitter.

"Bob was my pinch hitter last night because Adam wasn't answering his phone"

by Miss_lawn April 19, 2009

48๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pinche puto

Homosexual,a fuck boy, someone whoโ€™s a pussy.

Eres un pinche puto
Pinche puto andas con todas
No seas un pinche puto & apaga la luz

by FloresEnTequila February 17, 2018

39๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

pinche culero

A phrase adopted from Mexican Spanish meaning an ignorant asshole who's too self-absorbed to even realize what a self-absorbed ignorant asshole they're being.

Example 1
That pinche culero just asked that homeless guy why he doesn't just go to the gym and shower to keep from stinking so bad.

Example 2
Donald J. Trump

by ericthecleric February 4, 2016

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