1.Giancarlo was swimming slower than normal because he was dragging rudder. 2. Jeff lowered his pants and got behind the jetski so he could drag rudder in front of the jet and release his semen into the lake.
The act of a female holding a man’s penis and the man moves the female’s arm to masturbate.
Bro, my girl was feeling lazy so we compromised with a Mexican rudder.
The HurstThe Hurst Rudder. Getting a haircut while jerking off and someone grabs your elbow.
The Hurst Rudder. Getting a haircut while jerking off and someone grabs your elbow.
1. A cooler version of a Skippy.
2. The sailor who maneuvers the tiller in order to turn the rudder, therefore allowing for a change in the sailboat's overall direction.
3. A rudder person is usually present during extreme sail boat races around the harbor
4. highly skilled and attentive person on a sailboat
The rudder person steered the boat to victory.
Captain Johnny B. - 4 Time Winner of the Alaskan Pursuit
Captain Longbeard - Fisherman extradinaire (Owner of Big Bass Fishing Co.)
A dutch rudder has someone working the arm of your hand your spanking it with, difference is, the wireless version has the person on the other end of the phone is "talking you through it" instead of actually physically being there to do it with you.
Hey bro, 'ol girl worked me over with the wireless dutch rudder last night while we were texting, just as good as the physical version!
a rudder pudder is someone who just doesn’t care about anything and goes around breaking and messing stuff up with no care whatsoever
them rudder pudders down at the store stealing stuff and breaking all kinds of laws
Originating from sixteenth century French sailors, who would spend many days out at sea in poor hygienic conditions. This term is used in the gay community to refer to the instance when one partner does not properly clean their ass before sex.
Sucre bleu my boy are you trying to turn my baguette into a muddy rudder?