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thirst selfie

When a person constantly post a large number of selfie pictures just to have people like/comment on them

Did you see that girl we work with? She posted another Thirst Selfie online

by IResQu October 28, 2015


Obsess with taking selfies of yourself. Taking selfies everyday and night. Never camera shy. Never say no to taking a selfie.

They take so many selfies last night on Instagram! The Kardashians have the case of Selfie-Fever.
The popular girls have the extreme case of Selfie-Fever. It is snowing, and I have the extreme case of Selfie Fever. I look really great in the snow!

by TheUrbanGirlNextDoor November 4, 2014

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Selfie Jacket

The act of implicating one's self in a criminal case by creating a YouTube rap video boasting of self-involvement in said criminal case.

Bro 1: β€œBruh that dude makin paper from fake PUI claims caught a case big time”

Bro 2: β€œAye what did homeboy expect after posting his Selfie Jacket on the corner of front street and YouTube dumbass”.

by ThugGuzzler December 19, 2020

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When you're trying to take a selfie in public but fear other people are staring at you

"I want to take a selfie but I'm feeling a bit selfie-conscious"

by Emogen October 24, 2014

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selfie position

It starts with a normal selfie, with one arm in view, holding your phone in front of you. You then bend at the hips so you chest is parallel to the ground, thus your non-existent boobs are hanging. Is usually accompanied by pushing your butt out to look like you have an ass. And to top it off, take the hand you are not using, and cover your mouth, while making your eyes big like you are about to be kidnapped. Finish with a stupid caption about your smile, and done, you just did the selfie position.

Usually done by young whores who think they are the shit because they have had 15+ boyfriends in two years.

Girl #1 - Oh my fucking god, Susan keeps doing that stupid pose and complaining about her goddamn smile! And people keep liking that shit!
Girl #2 - Dude, its the selfie position. Chest down, butt out, hand on mouth!

by laxer3131 December 6, 2013

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morning selfie

when someone posts a selfie to any social media in the morning, but puts on makeup and takes a shower before doing so. they then take the selfie and say whatever hipster crap they use. idiots actually believe that they just woke up so they fap to it.

stupid girl on social media: just woke up no kidding!!!! #beautiful #fabulous #nexttopmodel
socially awkward teen: woah ur so pretty! #fap2it
smart person: bet you got a shower and put on makeup before doing that "morning selfie" you #stupidbitch

by 40percentchicken January 27, 2015

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selfie claw

The weird claw like position a hand has to get into in order to hold your camera/phone at just the right angle when taking a selfie.

Eww Jessi, delete that selfie, you got some gnarly selfie claw in it.

by Lifeindreams July 21, 2014