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Shut up heather

Originally from the film and musical ; Heathers the musical. "Shut up heather" means to be stop annoying the person that said it, or it's just a friendly joke. It is also included in a popular trend of a group of friends doing the iconic "dang dang diggity dang dang"

Heather : Martha dumbtruck in the flesh!
Heather: Here comes the cootie squad! You should-

by Heather Chandler lll February 27, 2020

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Shut up and Drive

Initially a song by Rihanna, later covered by that little sadist Chris Brown. In this cover he slaps his b1tch and tells her to drive.

R: I wanna do something fun Chris!
C: O shut up and drive

*bif* *poem* *sobbing*
C: Ye like that huh?

R:I'm sorry Chris. Will never happen again


by n008a April 12, 2009

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shut up woman

Commanding phrase all men should know

Shut up woman!

by muslim sam December 8, 2003

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shut up tito

Popular phrase, defines the feeling you have toward someone when they say something that, to you, sounds dumb, but in fact is so deep that it makes consious people eat their shorts
Incorrect useage: shut up, tito

I don't get it. shut up tito.

by tito December 31, 2005

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shut up asshole

Jon's way of shutting someone up.

Shut up asshole.

by Anonymous March 14, 2003

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Won't Shut Up

1: A person that continues to waffle on.
2: Usually provokes other people by continuing to waffle on.

Person1: Hey, did you see that show yesterday? The guy in it split his head open. I hope he's okay. I wonder what it would be like to split your head open. What do you think? I bet it would be painful, probably so painful you'd end up in hospital. I wonder-
Person2: Shut up man.
Person1: - how big the hospital bill would be. I would probably end up bankrupt if I had to pay something as huge as that. Then I wouldn't be able to buy-
Person2: Dude, you won't shut up and it's annoying me.
Person1: - McDonalds or clothes or anything. I would be so bored. I would probably kill myself if I got that bored.
Person2: Dude, I want to kill myself now.
Person1: Don't kill yourself! There are many reasons you shouldn't, and here's a big list...

by Jojishi123 December 15, 2011

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Better Shut Up

(Command): The vocalization of ones' desire for another person or persons to stop talking; and/or, shut up.

-Not to be confused with the phrase "You better shut up"; it is more of a generalized request for silence, and not directed or limited to one specific person.

Person 1: "Hey bro, if you aren't busy at the moment, I would really appreciate it if we could talk about your behavior in front of my family last week."
Person 2: "What do you mean, dude?"
Person 1: "Well, it just isn't cool that you took your pants off at dinner and started to beat off on my brothers plate while telling everyone to 'Better shut up'"
Person 2: "Better shut up"

by Mizzle Skillet October 23, 2013

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