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To convert older less cost effective forms of energy generation to cleaner and safer solar, to help prevent climate change.

Ending their Nuclear investments, they began the Solarization of their energy grid to meet their eco goals.

by CaptD May 30, 2021

solar so2

mom get the camera im on the dictionary

i like men and i like it (solar so2)

by sizzlerthenoob July 8, 2021

solar vibes

A person who gives off cheerful vibes, almost like a sunny day.

she gives off solar vibes

by madhatter_333 April 2, 2022


A car that runs on solar power.

My 80 year old neighbor let me walk her goose after I purchased my first Solar-Vet.

by Gooske June 4, 2006

solar bukake

This primarily happens to pilots. When you fly out of a cloud into blue sky and the sun shines right in your face with no warning.

It's so bright...I just got hit with a massive solar bukake.

by Theguy January 13, 2017

The Solar Eclipse

The Solar Eclipse is a sexual move when two men are in intimacy, and one tries to use his penis to block the light from the others eyes, hence the solar eclipse.

Boy 1: Me and my boyfriend did the solar eclipse when we had sex yesterday
Boy 2: Wow that must've been an experience

by AzzyTheSnazzy June 21, 2022

1👍 1👎

solar institute

a website ran by pop singer Lorde. you need a special code to get into said website. it is popular among Lorde fans (Ellaphants)

did you see the new update on "solar institute"?

by ellasellaphant November 1, 2022