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Spank The Monkey

When you own a giant stuffed monkey and spank him.

Chrys Starr likes to spank the monkey live on Facebook!

by Walden Scott February 18, 2019

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pussy spanking

Verb. (Colloquial circa 1985) The act of gently impacting the female pudenda with the fingers or an object such as a padded sap or a cat o' nine-tails for the purpose of sexually stimulating the female partner. A practice that is part of the sado-masochist tradition known as "light S&M," pussy spanking is not discipline per se but is intended as an act allowing for the sexual gratification of a woman. In no way is real violence intended.

See also: bondage and discipline

Pussy spanking reportedly was one of 'Penthouse' publisher Bob Guccione's kinks.

by Tummy AuGratin March 6, 2006

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spank that hoe

When that girl is naughty you need to spank that hoe

Then at that dudes house they went swimming, she started to take of her swimsuit. He couldnt resist so he had to spank that hoe

by melanthex March 31, 2005

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Spank sabbatical

Taking a time out, a breather from long periods of masterbating.

My friends boyfriend is on a spank sabbatical, because he was waxing his own carrot too much, and became desinsitized , no longer able to perform intercourse with his girlfriend.

by Amawee21 May 6, 2016

Vag Spank

v; when one receives or gives a tap or smack on the female genital

Hey! Don't vag spank me!

by cutiepie2222 June 20, 2011

brutal spanking

A brutal spanking is defined as a grown man releasing the full extent of his anger by spanking the naked and exposed ass of another grown man. Often bestowed upon individuals as retribution for an unforgivable transgression. Brutal spankings are often delivered in front of people the spankee knows as to ensure lasting social stigma and humiliation.

When I caught Arnold mid coitus with my house pet, I bestowed upon him the epitome of my rage via a "Brutal Spanking" in front of his mother and girlfriend. When his mother pressed charged I made a return visit to gift to her a subsequent "Brutal Spanking."

by Spenstastic December 7, 2013

Spanks Effect

Whenever you are winning in a video game without shit talking and then when you shit talk you start losing.

"Dude I lost this game cause of the spanks effect, I was shit talking and started losing"

by k1ngzz_ August 1, 2023