A sexual act in which the female cups her mouth around a males anus while inhaling, and said male passes flatulence. Exclusively performed in Salem, Massachusetts
“Hey man is it true your girl gave you a Salem sucky last night?”
A blowjob given by popular tiktok star and child predator LuckyAceBlue
Bruh homie just got a Lucky Sucky
You Get Super Sucky on A Saturday from a fine shit
Kenrry is getting a super sucky Saturday
A reluctant - toothless blowjob given by the partner of a long lasting marriage from which all love and affection has ceased to be.
For my 62th birthday, she was contractually obliged to give me a suckie suckie.
When your homey wanna eat some fried chicken, but your also missin your girl. So you decide to combine them with some deep fried dick
Yeah we were real bored, we said no homo first, but he gave me a sucky kentucky...