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Bread Communist

Your lord and savior

Me:Bread Communist
Literally everybody:I AM NOT WORTHY

by TheBreadCommunist August 9, 2019

communist matress

A woman shared by everyone sexually.

Example: Veronica is sleeping around with everyone, she is such a communist matress!

by Chinese tits May 31, 2014

communist bear

Alternate and more preferable name for the panda bear. They are also known as commie bears.

Those damn communist bears got into the yard again. Time to break out the rifle.

by lumbermancer May 9, 2016

Communist Capitalist

To be rich and to love sharing

damn to bad there aren't any more communist capitalists

by Avorado April 30, 2018

cracker communist

A white communist who think's because he's far left he can't be racist or homophobic, thus alienating social minorities within communist organizations.

When Huey P. Newton attended a conference of the Progressive Labour Party, all he saw were a bunch of dogmatic cracker communists.

by Buzberry April 28, 2019

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Communist Manifesto

being religious do you have your own system of everything

I put Karl Marx's famous Communist Manifesto in the religious section

by FlareK7 November 23, 2020

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Dirty Communist

Republican term for anyone who is a liberal/supports liberals.

John McCain: Obama is a dirty communist!

Obama: Come at me bro.

by Eat a dick yo May 30, 2011

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