A middle-aged man who dresses up in a low quality bunny furry costume to go to children's birthday parties. Big Chungi are lonely and seek validation from small children. He is usually seen at dodgy alleys for his part-time job
Person1: My mom got me a Big Chungus for my party
Person 2: My big Chungus tried to sell me drugs when I was 7
Our god and savior that not only made us but gave us the power to unsubscribe to Tseris and subscribe to PewDiePie.
This gigantic fat rabbit pushes us to get up in the morning
Little Timmy: Mommy who made us
Mom: Big Chungus the best rabbit ever
Little Timmy: okay I’m going to jerk off to a pic of him now
The greatest game ever, currently available on PS4. Some people say big chungus is a reincarnation of god himself. Also known for its high quality graphics, also it’s harder than darksouls.
Guy 1: yo, have you heard of the game big chungus?
Guy 2: yeah, I haven’t beaten it yet because it’s too hard.
A big rabbit that has a big pair of balls and takes a massive shit he is also a big swagger and once kissed the tiger guy idk his name
man you look like big chungus
this girl is gay big chungus