Source Code

Sprite Cranberry

A nectar of gods, originally mention in the bible,
"As jesus turned the water into wine, he spoke to the people, "Wanna sprite cranberry?"

Wanna sprite cranberry? -Jesus of Nazareth

by Patroneme January 12, 2019

Sprite Cranberry

SpriteCrannberry is the best pop ever.

People love to sell it.


Sentence One:
A Stranger comes up to JKMN (Noel) and asks "Do you wanna Sprite Cranberry?"

Your walking down the street, like every other normal winter day. In the distance, you hear a faint "Its the thirst, Thirstiest time, of the year. Someone then proceeds to jump out at you and scream "DO YOU WANT A SPRITE CRANBERRY?"

by a weeb :) *go watch some anime December 17, 2019