To be punched in the mouth, usually for doing something stupid or irritating.
If you don't give me that twos you promised me you're gonna get jabbed all up the lip.
Tongue jabbing - when you poke your tongue in and out of an anus in a jabbing motion
Fiona had been longing for john and so when she flew down to see him she immediately pulled down his pants and jammed her tongue into his arse giving him a great tongue jabbing
The human equivalent of using a condom then proceeding to reverse said condom and use it again
Did a jables the other night on the missus
A typical alpha male dick move, will prey upon the insecurities of his handsome young target for instance, Valentines Day, and while appearing single and sweet and heartfelt at first it finally dawns upon his prey, as the door slams shut behind him wedding ring back on, no number, no goodbye, he was just trying to get it in and you, well you let him think you fell for it because lawd knows you got yours!!
If Joses typical stag and jab routine couldn't work at a singles mixer on Valentines day, well he had other issues to tend to, like that alpacha on his head. Oh I mean toupee. Ew
A quick and abrupt force where you flap or swing your clothes to get rid of the dirt or etc.
Your shirt has crumbs. Tuck jab it so it will go away.
It is the action of jerking off into you hands and rubbing it on as after shave to attract your next jab
If your shaving you should be jabbing
what someone said in roblox lol what it means: Good Job but shorter, And I don't know how to spell because I am an Idiot