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Lachlan said he needs to talk to me now I’m stressed

by Saint888 March 20, 2024


Someone who doesn't go to the gym, a weak dog, captain soy looking motherfucker.
doesn't wanna get missive. hairy legs, small calves

usually wears glasses, his Mrs has his balls in her handbag.

i dont wanna get massive, oh thats such a lachlan thing to say.

by mrdonkeyknob420 September 23, 2022


Resting bitch face but a dude. Has no spidey-senses. Frequently spills pink milk on himself.

Lachlan is too tough for blankies.

by Moody_shark February 22, 2023


may seem very scary at first but THEIR ACTUALLY REALLY FUNNY AND VERY NICE YOU WILL NOT REGRET BEFRIENDING THEM, they may simp alot but you'll get used to it, they also really really like anime and roleplaying

"Lachlan just sent me a message, what do i do?"

"I dont know- their pretty scary"

by Akusha June 12, 2022



Lachlan: I like to treat people like shit

by Fuckyoulachlan May 15, 2019

1👍 1👎


A complete unfunny guy that no one likes even though his friends keep on adding him to random group chats and care about him even though he's a faggot

Lachlan: We all grow when things get hard

by Lachlan isn't a good friend March 14, 2020


A very annoying scrawny person who pushes people for no reason.

Anyone:*minding business*
Lachlan: *elbows*
EVERYONE: *beats lachlan* *takes his his hat and throws it*

by hgbdszg June 6, 2019