the sweetest sweetheart marty.
Precious is Marty and Marty is precious. There is no doubt.
The best basketball player that is there, draws very well, is 6'4 is built like crazy. and is in love with someone
Get a precious for a friend.
She is the most fake bitch ,sometimes she could be nice and sometimes she won’t . She could be a good friend at times , but you will always get into fights with her . If your friends is precious make sure you teach her respect.
Precious was being such a doof ball yesterday.
Precious belongs to Terriona . They were made soul mates . Precious does everything Terriona says and never complains. Precious caters to everyone of Terriona’s needs because she lives her unconditionally.
He/she is very extraordinary you should be very lucky to have he/she in your life. Precious is very kind and caring. He/she could get very violent if messed with. Thus they should always treated with respect
I'm very lucky to have Precious in my Life
“Jung Hoseok is literally the softest person alive, such a precious baby!”