When having sex with a stripper and you pull out, but the act still results in pregnancy
My buddy Hunter did an Afghani pull-out and now he is a baby daddy.
To stick your dick in a pussy and after you fuck pull it out with all the cum and pussy juice on it.
I'm gonna stick it in easy pull it out greasy.
the thing under your desk that you can pull out for your keyboard
I don't have enough place on my desk, i need an underdesk keyboard pull out thing
Banging that ass and the person needs to take a fat shit without the person knowing. Or animal.
Pull it out!" "It hurts!" "Shit around it!"
Pull it out it
Shit around it.
Used when somebody needs to apologize for something they did, especially when they don't believe that they need to apologize.
Ex 1: "Apparently HR says I need to pull out the uke for making a bunch of weirdly sexual comments"
Ex 2: Man 1 - "Did you hear that Jason called his wife fat?"
Man 2 - "Yeah, he had to pull out the uke."
Calming a person with african american ethnicity as a joke.
Tyrone: "I'm going to brutally end your life!"
Jake: "woah calm down jamal dont pull out the 9 haha!"
Tyrone: "Thanks for calming me down man! I really appreciate it!"
Wasnt pulling out can mean that a male wasn’t pulling his private part of the the girls private part.
Me hey kaya. Kaya:What
Me:you know my man didn’t wanna take it out
Kaya:Yes That means wasnt pulling out