When you go to a more anonymous or out of the way bathroom rather than the one you usually frequent solely to take a dump (grumpy) with more impunity due to intensity, privacy or psychological reasons.
"Hey, I was down on the 15th floor and I caught Jeff coming out of the bathroom, he must have had some bad food for lunch or childhood issues for him to take a secret grumpy."
When someone extremely small and scrawny has an enormous penis, or generally when someone has a much larger penis than expected.
Aaron never had much luck with the ladies. He was short (only about 5"3) and very skinny. One day the girls at his university dorm caught a glimpse of his secret pork. He got an STD within a week.
when someone is secretly trying to get you fired and/or ruin your life
I've had a secret adfirer at every job I've ever had, and it's ALWAYS a woman!
9👍 9👎
The wad of plain clothing hidden in your closet that is only worn on Sundays when doing laundry because all your other clothes are dirty.
My friend came over on laundry day, and he caught me in my secret clothes. How embarassing!
When someone makes a comment or does an action that doesn't seem to be mean, but upon further thought is hurtful or disrespectful.
Girl 1: I really want a puppy. I want something to play with
Girl 2: Why dont you get a boyfriend insted.
Girl 1: Girl you know I cant keep a boyfriend... hmm did you just secret stab me?
The Act Of Finishing Inside Your Girl Before She Tells You She's On Her Period Creating "The Secret Sauce"
A Savage Guy- Ay Bruh, Emily Was On Her Period Last Night.
Friend- Damn Sorry To Hear That .
A Savage Guy- Yeah I Know Dude, When I Pulled Out After I Finished The Secret Sauce Was Everywhere!
The store where guys buy grey sweat pants to show off their shlongs. Also known as the Nike store.
Chad: dude I need to go to dicktorias secret, it’s that time of the year again