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smart attack

Suddenly coming to one's senses by forgoing a contemplated course of action you might later regret.

We were on our way to buy more liquor when I had a smart attack, turned the car around, and called it a night.

by Admiralllll DQ January 12, 2008

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smart fart

A particularly pungent fart whose stench follows its creator wherever he or she goes for a certain period of time. The term is considered a "play on words" originating from Smart Missle.

"Oh my god, dude, it followed you! It's a smart fart!"

by It_Was_Not_Me_I_Swear February 2, 2008

33๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

A smart idiot

One who excells far ahead in school but is rather stupid in the sense that they are close minded and not tolerant of people different than themselves. They often see themselves as better than many other people and judge people solely on their academic achievements and not on their personality or moral values.

The opposite of this is a dumb genius. One who does not do well in school but is very street smart and if he put in effort would do well in school as well.

Guy 1: hey I got an 85 on that paper man it's not too bad what about you?

Guy 2: I got a 96. You're a fucking retard.

Guy 1: at least I'm not a smart idiot

by moconahhh June 13, 2013

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Smart Blonde

1. A person who is very intelligent and happens to be blonde
2. A smart women who has died their hair to appear younger
3. A blonde male
4. A blonde person who also wears glasses and has braces
6. All blondes who noticed that #5 was skipped without looking back now

1. Wow, that smart blonde girl just aced her AP calculus exam!
2. That lawyer looks awfully youthful with her new blonde hair.
3. That strapping young fair-haired man is very intellligent
4. That blonde is such a nerd.
6. Wow, this blonde noticed the number skip again!

by OxymoronMaker May 26, 2011

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Smart Bomb

1. Last resort weapon used in the Atari game "Defender" to destroy all aliens in sight.
2. A silent, but awful smelling fart dropped in a group of people with hopes of giving yourself some room, getting people to leave you alone, or just to make someone say, "oh my god, who did that?".

There were some girls blocking the bar and I dropped a smart bomb on them to get them to move. They moved.

by romeshow May 4, 2004

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Smart Dumbfuck

1. An asshole who is very intelligent but likes to piss people off by acting retarded. Usually hated by everyone. Extremely fucking annoying.

2. The annoying son of a bitch who sits behind you and makes some fucking weird noise and kicks your chair, and then turns around and gets an A+ on some Calculus test and then rubs it in.

The smart dumbfuck got a fucking 4.0 and he still acts like a fucking retard. I hate that son of a bitch.

by bbBobbb123 April 22, 2008

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Smart Person

Someone who is intelligent. Stereotyped to be obnoxious, geeky and have no sense of humor. That isn't true. There are two types of smart, Book Smart and Street Smart.

Stranger: Hey Kid, want a piece of candy?
Street Smart Person: Thanks, but no thanks.

Teacher: What is 63 times 99?
Book Smart Person: It is 6237.

by blahbalh5567 September 4, 2010

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