the process of clicking on your own submissions thumbs up button
like jerking off your ego
That idiot spends the whole day on various websites just thumbing off
example 2: every time i check my urbandictionary entries i end up thumbing off
12๐ 1๐
Something you can actually give to your OWN definition on Urban Dictionary!! I tried it.
My positive definition of George W. Bush isn't going so well. It has 300 thumbs down and only one thumb up, and that was mine.
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what people say if they want to sound smart. It means the ability to control the thumbs independent of the rest of the fingers facilitating grasping things with one hand easily.
smart guy: humans are the only mammal with opposable thumbs
dumb guy: what?
smart guy: *walks away leaving dumb guy feeling dumb*
56๐ 12๐
Texting battle; Fighting through text messaages; Sending and receiving mean, nasty negative text messages back and forth with someone.
"Ashley and Derek were engaged in a nasty thumb war last night."
"Damn, that was a ugly thumb war!"
"You should see some of the outrageous things Caitlyn wrote to Carrie during their thumb war. She definitely won that one!"
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Clubbed thumbs (scientific name brachydactyly type D) is a recessive trait that reduces the length of the top bone of your thumb, resulting in short, fat thumbs. It really sucks because you get made fun of and texting is harder, it's also harder to play a lot of musical instruments and don't even get me started on having to find a bowling ball that doesn't get stuck on your thumb. You can have both or just one clubbed thumb, it also has like a million nicknames, including murderer's thumb, toe thumb, royal thumb, etc.
Person: Eww your thumbs are ugly
Me: Yeah I have clubbed thumbs and it makes it really hard to play the bassoon.
21๐ 3๐
A single action revolver, so named because the hammer must be cocked by the shooter's thumb each time the weapon is fired. The Colt Peacemaker is an example.
He drew down on me with a thumb-buster .45.
64๐ 14๐
A person who is the fastest Blackberry user( or texter) in a group or organization. The designation of Top Thumb goes to the person who can reply the fastest to emails from the boss, point out errors in your messages and otherwise make mere normal mortals appear foolish and clumsy.
1. Jester is in a sales meeting and just sent his long Blackberry email he spent 1 hour thumbing explaining the last sales report. 2 seconds pass, his Blackberry tones a new email has arrived:
To: All
From : Maverick
Re: Error on Sales Report Email from Jester
Jester holsters his Blackberry and hangs his head in shame. To all those in attendance, Jester just crashed and burned. Maverick is now Top Thumb.
2. " Oh look , heres a mesage from Dave ( the boss) asking for suggestions for the new sales campaign!"
5 seconds later..." Ice Man thinks to himself: Here's my opportunity to submit the idea I discussed at the ( Blackberry tones a new email has arrived) ...F@1~&! me! Maverick already replied! With my idea! How in the f%4#& does he do that?" Damn he'll always be Top Thumb around here...."
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