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Newfie Twister

sex position, requires 2 females and one male, and a twirly chair. Two girls stand facing each other (kissing optional but suggested) the male must sit in the twirly chair between the 2 girls and spin for constant breast stimulation!

Bob, had quite a time last night, last time I saw him he was doing the newfie twister.

by Newfie Chickey May 15, 2011

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titty twister

when someone goes up to a person and twists their tits so badly that it leaves marks

Nikki gave Lucas a titty twister when he was annoying her.

by Panasonic709 April 22, 2009

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tongue twister

a series of word that are hard to say in sequence.
also a way to give oral pleasure to a female

how much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood

by the cheat February 20, 2003

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Turban Twister

A name for an Indian Lookin Person( arab iraqi the whole nine yards)

Watch out for the unibrow'd Turban Twister.

by Sean McDermott January 23, 2004

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word twister

a person who hears what they want from a conversation and twists those pieces into something that benefits their own good, point of view. in the worst case scenario this person will twist your words into a way to win at a game they otherwise would lose at.

That word twister i work with is always ease dropping on my conversations and starting trouble with my co-workers.

by pet store worker July 24, 2008

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Titty Twister

A really shit (and unfortunately, the only) nightclub in Howth. Misguided individuals ofttimes mistakenly refer to this dump using the appellation "K2". It is also the name of a vampire-infested shithole bar that featured in the film "From dusk till dawn"

person 1: aah shit man! It's closing time, and I'm not arse-over-tit drunk yet!
person 2: Ah fuck; only one thing we can do; hit the titty twister...
person 1: Fuck that, I'm going home.

by dahnor October 27, 2004

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missle twister

particularly unappealing provider of sexual favors.Very aggressive and rough.A hard and unmerciful sexual partner,possibly addicted to crack.The missle twister has had many before you.Most men are not ready to learn what the missle twister has to to teach them until they have spent time in prison.

That old missle twister will suck you off for a torta and a 40 oz of Red Bull.

by Sugabur July 21, 2005

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