The pacific crab is when a man, takes his thumb, sticks it in the ass of a girl and then takes his pointer finger and sticks that in the vagina of the girl. When both fingers are in he then begins to pinch.
Guy 1: Dude I just performed the pacific crab on that drink chick
Guy 2: dick bro bet she loved it
shouldnt exist
i dont like pacific rim uprising
its a movie
a beautiful gs4 steam locomotive painted in a eye catching orange/red and black color scheme, who had a pee pee accident in west texas nicknamed the west texas drawbar (it also contains peanuts)
she looks almost as pretty as the southern pacific daylight 4449
a school in Big Sur with only 17 kids and most of them are stoners. the staff at this school include hippies, rednecks, and the weird ass principal named Reanna.
Pacific Valley School sucks if u ain't smoking any herb.
The abhorrence of violence in all forms, except in the case where you can justify its use in defense of someone or something important to you
A: Why did you knock that frat bro on his ass? I thought you practiced pacifism?
B: Partial Pacifism. And that person was harassing someone with special needs who couldn’t defend themselves. I won’t stand for that
The constant suffering of missing out on events, social interaction, or not being able to be with your friends in some way because by the time you are available everyone else has already gone to bed
You always wake up too late to say good morning to anyone, its noon for them
Pacific Time Zone Syndrome is a bitch. I just got back from school and its already 8pm for him
(noun) |Jed-i-di-ah Pa-cif-ic Too-ler
1. Commonly referred to as “Jedo” a Jedidiah Pacific Tueller is the most amazing person to ever exist. Records are broken the day one is born as something previously thought to be impossible becomes true. A Jedidiah Pacific Tueller is the picture of perfection and always are since day one. Within one lies a heart so pure even holy ground is brightened by his presence.
2. Famed as one without eyes, though this he greatly denies. Complicated, the story is best left saying that he cannot see. He observes much, and does in fact appear to have eyes. Experts do often refer to them as such, yet many studies have concluded that his tendencies to call people or objects beautiful are but his attempts at chivalry, he cannot actually see the objects of his fascination. Despite this, the spirit of each is free and the sparkle in his eyes is enough to make the stars take note.
3. A humble creature for sure. One will never admit to being perfect in any way other than in a humorous context.
4. An absolute masterpiece of adorableness. Known to cause involuntary swooning and excessive smiling in those lucky enough to be in his presence.
5. A walking embodiment of warmth and joy, capable of turning even the gloomiest days around. Side effects of encountering a Jedidiah Pacific Tueller may include accelerated heartbeat, butterflies, and an uncontrollable urge to shower him with affection.
See also: Perfection, Sweetheart, Love of My Life.
“Jedidiah Pacific Tueller is the single most amazing person in both a reality that is feasible and otherwise”
-Xienna Kaelyn Solberg
“I don’t think Jedo’s real, he’s too good of a person to exist”
-Trustable Source