Source Code

Buzz Nightgear

Nickname for a woman's vibrator.

Stacy was up all night "chatting" with Buzz Nightgear.

by Psycho Mike November 19, 2006

24๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Buzz Lightyear

At the top of a flight of stairs, while fornicating your lover doggy style, when your just about to cum, take it out of her, and smack her in the head. When she gets pissed and turns around, cum in her eye, shove a fishbowl over her face and shove her down the stairs while waving a laser pointer around and scream "TO INFINITE AND BEYOND!!"
The girl will be massively confused, trying to stop falling, and trying to wipe the cum out of her eyes, but the fishbowl will keep her from getting it out of her eyes.

You have just succesfully accomplished the buzz lightyear.

"...So I took it out of her butt and gave her a Buzz Lightyear! God, that bitch wouldn't stop screaming. It was great."

I take no credit for this. This series of events was thought of by my good friend Devon. He's an awesome mother fucker. hah

by dialkenken220 November 12, 2008

441๐Ÿ‘ 133๐Ÿ‘Ž

buzz buddy

Slang term for a woman's favorite vibrator

She doens't need a man, she's got her buzz buddy with her.

by JDOTarget September 28, 2007

11๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

buzz bunny

1.A new variation of Bugs Bunny on the WB's "Loonatics". 2.Also made fun of in a flash cartton, " A new bunny".

1. We are super heroes now.

2. " I'm Buzz fucking Bunny mother fucker"

by PH34R3ST July 9, 2005

23๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

sex buzz


A condition mimicking alcohol intoxication which develops after one engages in exceptionally satisfying sex. Signs and symptoms include but are not limited to: feelings of euphoria, extreme relaxation, black outs/missing time, lack of inhibition and/or the desire to dance with reckless abandon.

After some slammin' afternoon sex, I didn't even remember driving back to the office. I was under the influence of a serious sex buzz.

Everyone at work kept commenting on how happy and relaxed I was. I told them it was because of the beautiful, sunny weather, but I really had a killer sex buzz going on.

NOTE:A sex buzz often preceeds the more debilitating sex coma.

by Margeauxx McBeavers January 12, 2011

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buzz me

To send a message or give a call

Whenever you're free just buzz me

by libran October 30, 2013

63๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

Safety Buzz

Safty buzz

The amount of alcohol (or other substance) intake neccessary to provide a reason to try and make a move on someone. If this person is not receptive to the sexual advance, then he/she can later claim that it was the substance talking and not them. However, if he/she welcomes the advance, there is nothing to worry about.

I was on this date with this girl, and I wanted to hook up with her, but I wasn't sure if she was into me or not. However, I had my safety buzz on, so it was all good. ;-)

by The American Germanophile January 13, 2007

295๐Ÿ‘ 96๐Ÿ‘Ž