A cool ass transformer with long ass legs
Mirage (the transformer) is a kick-ass transformer
The transformer who needs a bigger door
Man Onslaught from Transformers 5 needs a bigger door!
You need a bigger door you sussy
Transformers the last knight is the worst movie even though onslaught needs a bigger door
Give onslaught a bigger door or your entire family will be murdered and kidnapped by a bigger door
Parametric Transformer is an item in Genshin Impact that you can use to transform things into other stuff.You can put sunsettias and apples or other things you want.
Hey maybe you forgot to use your Parametric transformer?
When an obnoxious person posts before and after pictures on Tuesday. They actually post them every day, but Tuesday is the important one. Most people who post these pictures have obviously not lost weight. It's truly obnoxious, if you do, your friends will certainly talk shit about you.
"Hey, did you see that Chris is posting his Transformation Tuesday pics? Which one is the before picture, I can't tell?
The thing under which Newton’s laws are invariant
A: Are Newton’s laws invariant under Maxwell’s transformations?
B: Yes! By definition!