Source Code

Mel Tucker

When you fumble the bag.

Named after the former MSU football coach who lost an $80 million payday by being a predator.

"He pulled a Mel Tucker."

by mjmw822 September 10, 2023

nimble tucker

See mimble tucker; large hairy part of a Horse's bottom

Geez, you guys are such mimble tuckers.

by Dan December 22, 2003

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The ancestral lineage of a group of transient people found living by the Thames London in the 1300's. The group was synonymous for scavenging for food and are the first known humans to successfully live off eating effluent and excrement flowing down the river. Not commonly seen in public and with no real language of their own, their only known word was the word β€œTUCKER”. The β€˜Tuckers’ were commonly seen by dried river beds excitedly devouring whole lakes of excrement.

Holy shit batman, i can smell a Tucker a comin

by George Mellior August 20, 2008

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Dean Tucker

An male retard from the region of South Wales. Said person can be characterised by a lack of logical thought, natural stupidity and an incredibly small penis. A Dean Tucker will usually have few/no friends, with a ridiculous hairstyle and a horrible taste in music and fashion.

"Do you think my pink shoes will go with my brown top?"
"Dude, you dress like a Dean Tucker"

"My friend told me im an argumentative, self-righteous twat"
"You are. You constantly argue things even when you know you're wrong. Truthfully, you're one hell of a Dean Tucker.

by Bruce Sprungsteen February 23, 2010

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Tucker and Church

(1)The two most leetest people in the world of gaming.
(2) The best characters on Red vs Blue.

Tucker and Church got in a Warthog and pwned everyone on the map.

by none January 15, 2005

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Tom Tucker

A referance to an unknown person

eg anyone whos identity who you are unsure of.

Megan you love Tom Tucker.

by feinian June 20, 2010

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Ball Tucker

A β€œBall Tucker” refers to a male who places their scrotum as well as penis between their legs as to hide their crotch bulge in order to look more like a woman. This term is usually reserved for drag queens, transsexuals, cross dressing heterosexuals, and perhaps the mentally unstable.

Adam: Hey, what do you think about this pink feather boa with sequins
Jonah: Dude, you're such a ball tucker

Glitter Sparklez (the Stripper): Hey there, would you like a lap dance
Jason:*turns to Bobby* hey man what do you think?
Bobby: Abort, Abort, this one is totally a ball tucker, ABORT!

by Chris-G-Anity July 31, 2008

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