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Under The Jail

Life imprisonment without parole, especially when used with "up".

That man deserves to be up under the jail for stabbing that poor kid to death!

by That Autistic Beth Israel 64 October 16, 2023


Underwear; undergarments. Typically used as a uni-sex term referring to panties, boxers, briefs, brassieres and similar. The hyphenated spelling is grammatically correct, however alternate spellings may include: underones, under ones.

Her pants were so sheer, you could tell what color her under-ones were.

by PYLB January 11, 2008

Under crackling

Hard length of faeces in underwear ( skidmark) considered a delicacy by homosexuals....

I was so full after eating out I didn't have room for any under crackling....

by TrousersPants September 15, 2018

Under the Ginfluence

The state of drunkenness caused by drinking gin or gin-based cocktails like a martini or gin and tonic.

I was under the ginfluence after drinking three martinis and texted my ex.

by Four Loko Frat Guy November 10, 2022

tuck under

The uncomfortable condition of having your balls and sometimes penis tucked under your inos. Often caused by poorly designed seats.

The seats at the MCC computer lab always give me a bad case of tuck under.

by Forrest Klump March 12, 2009

under minge

where the sweat from your asshole meets the sweat from your vag hole and fucken stinks

Rob: man i can smell her under minge from here
Sean, i had a taste of that under minge earlier, there was a sweetness to that warm smell, and a clotted cream sensation in my throat
jack: Do what a want yeah

by the vagicians May 16, 2015

Under Gravy

The viscous combination of urine, loose stool, ejaculate, and possibly blood mixed inside of an elderly person's diaper.

Humphrey just couldn't wait to take out his dentures and slurp down some of Betsy's under gravy.

by Bobby Gorgeous May 6, 2023