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Playing Weight

A term used by athletes to define their optimum weight for playing their desired sport.

Ron Artest trained hard this summer to get down to playing weight for training camp.

by RubySoho76 October 24, 2010

Santa Weight

Weight you put on over the winter holidays, due to the crap ton of candy and baked goods available

1 : "Be honest, does this dress make me look fat?"
2: "I mean, you have put on some weight since I last saw you."
1: "Yeah, but it's Santa weight. I'm gonna lose it by January."

by Xpngs&cats December 6, 2016

weight anxiety

weight anxiety is the over stress of wanting to loose wight; people with this will always be looking for a way to loose weight even if unhealthy

She has weight anxiety because she's on her 6th diet in 4 months.

He has weight anxiety because he's always working out and barely eating.

by hotmess_2012 May 16, 2016

Russian weight

The weight gain caused by binge drinking alcohol, especially when the beverage of choice is vodka.

I just got back from Oktoberfest. It looks like I put on some Russian weight.

by procersapientiae April 15, 2021

weight hoarder

someone who hoards all the weights or gym equipment in a gym

Jim: Hey steve, have you seen the 30 lb dumbbells?
Steve: ya that weight hoarder has them over there along with the 25's and 40's!

by Damneck March 24, 2011

Mommy weight

A middle-aged woman who has a softly rounded physique due to not having the time to exercise, or weight gained during a pregnancy, and never lost.

I've gained some mommy weight in the last couple years

by Heyitsj000 April 16, 2020

Weight nig

A hierarchical social caste of the drug trading network in the United States of America. A weight nig works hard to push large weights of drugs (primarily marijuana) at the local level, serving as a crossroads between the common public and the organized drug traffickers. Weight nigs have the unique ability to always reappear as a completely new human being every time the police arrest or kill weight nigs.

A: Psst! Hey, can you get me like an ounce of weed and 5 g of GHB tonight?
B: Uh, my usual guy was arrested, so I can't help much.
A: C'mon dude! I know you just bought him!
B: Hey, PSST! I ain't no weight nig, he was! Fuck off!!

by National Drugsgraphic August 19, 2018