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sugar rock

Basically a drug called crack but this i a nick name for it

You are on sugar rock

by SomeoneUnkown March 14, 2017

sugar pearl

the sacred spot of the female anatomy, the candy at the end of the road, the thing that makes em scream; the clitoris, aka the clit

Mary didn't know she was alive until someone found her sugar pearl one night.

by swaylow October 28, 2008

sugar buzz

When your brain is tripping after a big desert

Man I am floating from that sugar buzz that I've got from eating that big piece of chocolate cake.

by swagcpa August 16, 2013

Watermelon Sugar

Whatever else it might be, Watermelon Sugar was a dance hall on Hewitt Avenue in Everett, Washington in the late 1960s.

(I know because I did many light-show gigs for the bands that performed there. I also discovered I'm not alone in remembering it, as I found a reference to it on on a website for Pacific Northwest Bands pnwbands.)

In my high school days, I spent many Saturday nights at Watermelon Sugar.

by F@lc0n February 12, 2021

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Sugar Coochie

A woman who is so good in bed that it makes men buy her stuff.

From an episode of Cougar Town, after a lady admired Jules' Viking range: "Who'd you get to buy you that oven? You must have a sugar coochie".

by xphiljunkx March 13, 2010

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Sugar Chicken

like sugar daddy except as a young twink

on their third date, Titus and Benji went to a pricey Italian restaurant for a romantic dinner. Benji, 20 years younger, decided to pick up the $100 tab. later Titus called his best gal pal Karla to give her the dish and exclaimed "OMG I have a Sugar Chicken now!"

by Uncle Joosie May 24, 2019

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sugar mami

A woman who is older than the man she is in a relationship with.

"Lauren is my sugar mami because she's older than me by almost a month," said Dylan.

by icantthinkofausernameeee May 2, 2017

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