Randy worker's party, is a satirical political party by unknown people on discord and Instagram the memes started when a group of people come across a particular person who is randy aguirre, randy said a lot of idiotic things and his girlfriend didn't like him, those unknown people first were trying to help him with the relationship as time move on he became an disagreeable person, his girlfriend cheated him with fourth people? they got back together plenty of times some will say 5 times others will say 4. There was a lot of drama with randy aguirre memes involved a satirical political party which has two names one is Randy worker's party and other is Randyism...
Randyism is the definition of imbeciles.
King of imbeciles..
Hey have you heard about randy worker's party is a satirical political party..
The Mexican version of a blue collar worker. These usually classify Mexicans with green cards working in the the USA RAHH. Typically found outside Home depot and on occasion Lowe’s. Offering services such as agriculture, landscaping, carpeting, plumbing, and in some cases construction.
“Ya my dad works as a Green Collar Worker. He does Landscaping for a golf course”
thattttt one person that ruins your life by stealing your wife
A person who works in a clock factory. I’m not sure why you need a definition of this, as it is fairly self-explanatory.
“Well, I’m off to the clock factory! The address is tinyurl.com/y69ayyto” said Ozzy, the clock factory worker.
Probably emo or an e-girl/ boy. They like dying their hair purple and cutting half off.
Things they enjoy: nose piercings, Panic! At The Disco, and lowercase typing
they hate everyone!
This is a joke lol XD
Hot Topic Workers
Connected worker technologies are tablet based tools that frontline workers use on factory floors at manufacturing companies. These software platforms help teams develop work instructions, manage critical process information, and organize employee training programs.
They’re also useful in eliminating production errors, reducing machine downtime, and ensuring the overnight shift isn’t completely screwed when 57-year-old Roger calls in sick, since he was the only worker who could operate the 16-foot, 200-ton ring rolling machine without losing a limb.
How the heck should I know how to troubleshoot a coil condenser heat exchanger? It’s my first day at this plant, and my last job was at Shoe Carnival. Doesn’t this dungeon have one of those Connected Worker thingies?
Just a few hours after giving Connected Worker tech to one of my direct reports, I started reporting to her. Is that Moore’s Law? Pretty sure it’s Moore’s Law.
Theo, a worker at a pumpkin processing plant, told the Operations Manager that since 85 deaths happen per year from forklift related accidents, their company should still consider using Connected Worker Technology.
My last job didn’t have a Connected Worker platform and I was stuck training with Joe Bob who smelled like stale cigarettes and regret.
Your honor, at our heavy machine manufacturing facility, making an error of three one thousandths of an inch can be the difference between a happy customer and thirteen 13-vehicle pileup on Interstate 81. That’s why we bought Connected Worker tablets.
My new job gave everyone on the floor Connected Worker tablets, and now I’m certified on turning human generated fecal sludge into commercially valuable byproducts.
A person that spends too much time on social networks and therefore has no time left for a social life. The condition is characterized by a combination of symptoms, that interfere with the ability to work, sleep, eat, socialize and enjoy once-pleasurable activities. Heavy users feel "digged out", "undelicioused", "stumbled upon", "pownced" or "twittered up". Disabling episodes of depression can occur that, when not treated with "Real Social Contact" on a regular basis, lead hard core users to just staying in front of their computer without eating, sleeping or going to the toilet till they die >> Social Death.
Bert is such a Social Over Worker, I haven't seen him since we went to the movie premiere of that Titanic film!
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