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Wounded Bird

Situational; When a person begins dating another and then finds out that this person's previous relationship has been "difficult" to get over.

Synonomous with: "Rebound".

Usage: "I'm not interested in taking on another wounded bird."

by asylus June 19, 2007

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hacket wound

Simply a woman's pussy. Cant Belive im the first to add this.

I just scored a field gole flicking a paper football doller at the strippers hacket wound. Direct Hit

by MIKE MURR May 13, 2006

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festering wound

1. A US Navy club.

2. A dive, mostly frequented by US Sailors.

3. Any place serving liquor in plastic cups and beer in cans to avoid unnecessary lascerations during bar fights. Characterised by chaos, the smell of blood and urine, and loud crappy music, .

The bar at the base in Naples was such a festering wound that the name became the festering wound.

by wheaty May 29, 2005

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axe wound

This is another word for vagina, much like the word "pussy". Mostly used in the UK

I fingered her axe wound last night bruv.

by Biatch honky October 1, 2009

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Blighty Wound

1. A war wound which was not serious enough to kill or maim but was serious enough for the soldier to be sent home or to blighty. Also known as a million-dollar wound these could sometimes be self-inflicted for example a soldier shooting himself in the foot.

2. The damage inflicted on the UK by Brexit.

The UK has really shot itself in the foot with Brexit, it's a real Blighty Wound.

by Clarety November 16, 2018

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The Walking Wounded

The best album out by Bayside so far. It was made after the

death of their drummer John Beatz.

An album about heartbreak and regaining control of life.

Guy 1: Dude did you listen to Bayside's album The Walking Wounded?

Guy2: Yeah man, It was a life changing album.

by Carver Miles January 17, 2011

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Wounded Paw

Noun; A limp or feminine handshake given by a man. Typically the wrist is bent with the fingers pointing towards the ground.

A bewildered Joe Ham could barely contain himself when he was offered a wounded paw from the CEO of his Fortune 500 company.

by Electric0316 October 13, 2011

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