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turtle pipe

A playful and somewhat cheeky slang term used to refer to the anus or butthole.

When she's throat goatin your manicotti with no hands and suddenly she jams a finger up your turtle pipe.

by sky10202 October 15, 2023

one eyed mouse wearing a turtle neck

Another word for "penis."

Wow!!! His one eyed mouse wearing a turtle neck is weird...

by Trousermouse December 12, 2017

Turtle Typer

A person who types rather slowly
A person who takes their time to spell out every word correctly and add puncatons

He's such a turtle typer.

by Fred Dag1 December 16, 2010

Money Turtle

A swaggy little bro which originally was born after a misinterpretation of the Harry Potter character “Moaning Myrtle”. He is represented as a turtle with a $ sign on the center of his shell, occasionally depicted with some really cool shades.

What’d you say? Moaning Myrtle? I thought you said Money Turtle!

by swagmoneyturtle February 12, 2025

I love turtles

Your a vsco girl


Person1:i love turtles

Person 2:vscoo Girl

by Da person who its cheetos all June 1, 2021


An extravagant method of describing something so cute and minute that it forces the exclaimer to explain it in absolute nonsensical reptilian terms.

oh my goodness this babies toes are so turtle-eenie-weenies

by vapegodalbert April 23, 2022

Turbo Turtle

A really fast turtle that is so fast you can bearly see him go past his name is turbo he loves sun bathing to charge him up and then going for a swim he eats shrimp like there is no tomorrow then when you put hime down on the ground zoom he's gone.

man 1: have you heard of the Turbo Turtle ?
man 2: yeah i heard he was really fast where is he (ZOOM) oh there he is.

Turbo Turtle: a reptile with a shell

by shadowtoothdragon January 6, 2016