Source Code

soft boy

soft boy aka soft boi is a boy who is probably quiet and more emotional, wears "vintage" or egirl type clothes, possibly some blush, likes flowers, sensitive, wears glasses (they could be fake), has freckles or fake freckles, listens to indie music, is stereotyped for being less masculine.

me: awww look at that soft boy what a cutie
friend: he's probably gay
me: its ok i probably wouldn't date him anyway

by joe. joe mama November 14, 2019

186๐Ÿ‘ 68๐Ÿ‘Ž

chore boy

A abrasive copper pad for cleaning, but in the urban definition is as a necessary part of creating a crack pipe. First get yourself a stem. A clear tube..... usually can be purchased at a convienient store with a small rose in it....
cut up the chore boy....stuff a piece in your stem.....about a half inch....and leave about a half inch open on one end...... the chore boy now becomes your filter in your crack pipe..... now lean your head back with the stem in the air....
put yourself a crack rock in the open end and take a fire to the end and suck the crack smoke into your lungs...... exhale...repeat

We need a new chore boy, this one is all shot out......

by jimcock April 13, 2007

309๐Ÿ‘ 124๐Ÿ‘Ž

southern boy

a Good ol' boy from the southern states of Alabama Georgia Louisiana Texas Virginia South and North Carolina Tennessee Florida Mississippi Arkansas and KENTUCKY

Im just a Southern boy from the Bluegrass.

by good ol' southern boy from KY April 13, 2005

163๐Ÿ‘ 61๐Ÿ‘Ž

Big Boy

A person who is cooler than everyone

Samuel Clements is a Big Boy

by ingradf February 3, 2013

87๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž

bacon boy

A person who likes electronic music. The link between bacon and 'electro' was made during the explosion of ecstasy consumption during the mid 1980's. Users of the drug would usually consume bacon after a hard night of clubbing in order to restore much-needed nutrients to the body, often in sandwich form.

"He loves those tunes, such a bacon boy!"

"The bacon boys were mashing it up last night!"

by Viv J January 9, 2008

41๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

Little Boy

The codename of the world's first atomic bomb which was dropped on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945.

It's ironic how they took something so terrifying as an atomic bomb and named it "Little Boy".

by Ian22 December 5, 2006

162๐Ÿ‘ 56๐Ÿ‘Ž

mama's boy

A guy who acts tough but when alone with his mother is a real pansy ass bitch. Says mommy my head hurts come pick me up from school cause i can't make it through the day anymore. Then the mother comes and gets the bitch cause he's a pussy.

I'm a little mama's boy.

by mario... February 2, 2009

188๐Ÿ‘ 71๐Ÿ‘Ž