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Russian Bolt

Russian version of Usain Bolt. It is the person who is running away from police, because of alcohol intoxication. It is usually used as an irony.

Look Russian bolt! He is faster than light.

by Creatura November 18, 2018

Greasy Russian Doll

When the takeaway is finished and you fit the smaller boxes in the larger ones so they take up less bin-space.

The blue bin was already full of Ed Sheeran CDs so I made a Greasy Russian Doll to get the bizarre boxes in.

by Helena Bone 'em-Carter March 17, 2021

Russian fracturing

Fracturing the subsurface rock using nuclear bombs to increase production of oil & gas.

CEO: We need to increase oil production or the company will go broke.

Russian Engineer: Why don't we use Russian Fracturing.

by Agswaggg April 4, 2012

ima russian

Me hi peaps ima russian hehehehehehehehehehe
Hi mum hahahahahahaha🤑🤑

Ima russian

by Ima russian November 6, 2020

Russian Raspberry

The alias for a woman working in tech who just found out that Russia is the largest grower and distributor of raspberries in the world. She may also have owned it currently own a raspberry beret, further driving home the moniker.

Russian Raspberry is typing.

I am Russian Raspberry.

You are to address me a Russian Raspberry, henceforth.

Did you invite Russian Raspberry to the meeting?

by Russianraspberry January 28, 2022

Russian love tap

To knock out someone with a strong punch.

Yea so this guy named Nathan was being a bitch so I have him a Russian love tap.

by GreyTheHuman February 21, 2020

russian jew

the worst kind of jew. jews are great. Russians are great. but you mix the two and you get a disaster. they are loud and annoying and oftentimes very very strange. I knew this one Russian jew who jerked off and put his substances under a microscope to see if he was fertile. who the hell does that.

"Yo that Brad kid is pretty weird"
"Yeah I know. Probably because he's a Russian Jew"

by freaky greeky December 30, 2023