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Jordan sharp

The biggest bean of beans when your eyes go crossed eyed is the jordan sharp the brantford bean.

That guy is so jordan sharp

by Scuffy June 2, 2019

Jordan Valenzuela

A young man who generally has a good idea of which women are mid or not. He would often refer to things as "gas"
A Jordan Valenzuela would likely benefit from a perm, though it may prove controversial once it inevitably assisted in his comparable to singer Jack Harlow. One with this name would also likely surprise you with how good at rock paper scissors he is.

"Holy shit did you see Jordan Valenzuela in that Lil Nas X video last week?"

"He totally J.V.'d me at rock paper scissors last night"

by shaniatwink September 21, 2022

jordan morlan

a jackass who will brake your heart and ruin your life before it even starts he makes you feel special then takes it away he has a way of making you fall for him and he seems to mess with your head and make you want to die because he pulls you right back to where you were when he broke your heart dont trust these guys there liars.

man my ex boyfriend is a jordan morlan

by mm .... October 21, 2017

My jordan

The most handsome boy to exist.
Feels the most loved by Lucy

Who is that guy over there?
Thats my jordan and hes the most handsome boy to exist.

by April 19, 2024

the jordan effect

When u beef with a girl name jordan and ya ass gets soggy and flat as a result

"thats the jordan effect for ya

by elisamariaaaaa November 25, 2023

the jordan effect

when u beef with jordan ur ass becomes soggier than EVER

soggy butt: "omg why ppl sayin my ass is soggier than ever?"
me: "thats the jordan effect for ya, soggy ass bitch"

by elisamariaaaaa December 2, 2023

the jordan effect

when you beef with a girl named jordan, ur ass become sooggier than everrrr. smd ivette

ivette: "Omg why evb sayin my ass soggier than ever"
elisa:"thats the jordan effect for ya"

by elisamariaaaaa November 25, 2023