July. in my eyes the definition of perfection, love, warm heartedness, and everything amazing.
Who’s that?
That’s July<3
July ist sehr liebevoll und diese gibt sie auch weiter. Diesen Menschen kann man nur lieben. Sie hat einen sehr tollen Charakter. Wenn sie erstmal einen Partner gefunden hat, kann sie sehr eifersüchtig sein.
July ist einfach nur toll!
shes a terrible teacher and doesn't know how to teach at alll!!!!
Person 1: do you know what we are learning in science?
Person 2: no, I have Julie S
The best fuckin month.
The apex of the break, not to mention summer.
Ignorant fool: "July fuckin sucks."
Intellectual: *aggressive curb-stomping*
The month where all the goddamn mosquitos and other insects fly into your house if your lights are on for 0.0003 seconds.
Person A: Oh fuck it's July, right?
Person B: Gotta make sure my windows are always closed
It means that you are gay because of pride month
Its on that month of July shit