Kylee is a know it all who doesn’t allow anyone to tell her she’s wrong. The most annoying human to be around and has to tell you every irrelevant story to include herself in every conversation. Will interrupt everytime you speak
“Oh my god Kylee is interrupting again!”
Literally a furry, loves band kids, addicted to dudes named Luke. WEARS A TAIL AROUND SCHOOL AND HISSES AT PEOPLE.
Person 1: “Look it’s cat women”
Person 2: “NAH that’s Kylee”
Kylee will most likely be pretty and smart. But will be uncomfortable in there skin.
The literal definition of an awful person that will turn her back on you and make up lies when it benefits her and a genuinely racist person. Will waste years of your life and countless dollars and tell you she loves you to your face then trash talk you behind your back to her other boyfriends.
Kylee: I love you so much I’m lucky to have you in my life. (Gets caught cheating 3 days later)
Kylee: I think all people deserve a fair chance (proceeds to talk down on people with a different complexion than her)
Kylee is a really pretty, and cool person to be around. She doesn’t make the best grades but she is so vary smart. She thinks she is unworthy of people’s love and support but if I could tell you one who is more deserving then her I would had lied. She is the best friend anyone could ask for. she might be too open to friendship at first and might be even cold to you but she is just the best so when you meet a Kylee don’t let her slip away. She has a big heart even if she doesn’t show it. Kylee is vary strong person and she will be there for you even if she is breaking. Thank you kylee
Kylee is a vary smart girl.
kylee is the kind of person you can rely on for advice, and she is more than happy to help when youre in need. she needs to start prioritizing herself though instead of others. once she starts to like someone, it doesnt go away quickly. in my experience with a kylee, she has liked the same person for 8 years now. sorry bub
hey! whos that
oh, thats kylee, for sure!!