A “cold tea” is a British expression that is said to say if something is positive or negative.
If something is a “hot tea” then it’s positive. However if something is negative then it is a “cold tea.”
Example 1: “Oh man that party was so dead. Just one disappointing cold tea.”
Example 2: “That was a steaming tea of a dinner thanks mum.”
Gossip or information about someone else that is found out late.
Did you hear about the big fight last week?
No, what fight?
Dude, you always get the cold tea.
Someone is on cold mode when they are not performing up to their usual standards, just straight up slacking. The phrase was popularized by DMV rapper goat hoxe.
Trevor really showed Michael who the boss was, he put him on cold mode.
John hasn’t gotten any girls for weeks now, he’s on cold mode.
The probability that they know Eugene is 10 to 1
Cold Spring theory? You got the wrong map.
When a person sucks on ice just before giving head.
Shit dude! My girlfriend gave me some cold top last night too! I'm still not sure how I feel about it...
Knifes or all other blade related stuff
Not "putting an iron to mouth" if you come for cringe stuff dumbass
Other guy:Get ready to eat cold steel.
*pain cry*
Cop 1:the guy was stabbed 1 time and fell to his death, the murder weapon seems to be an Excalibur replica made out of steel.
Cop 2:hm, it seems to be a homicidal case