nigga peter is a commonly used phrase by niggas named peter
Peter Cloud, also know as ImCloud on Youtube,
is the best Rapper, Comedian and also the best Human in the Universe.
Peter Cloud = mad - m*th*rf*ck*r
Did you hear the new Rap from Peter Cloud?
yEaH, Man he's such a mad - m*th*rf*ck*r idk how he can be that cool
That's true there is nobody that comes close to that beast!
An online troll who was unable to perform sexually so rather than seek medical advise from a professional, it's opted to conceal it's identity in order to write unwitty definitions about their exes on the urban dictionary website.
I know I am a douchebag troll; I'm a Peter pipe head.
One Boss A$$ Bitch, Always a good time and knows how to party. Often relatable to Hansel (Zoolander Film) for being "so hot right now". If a Deanna Peter isn't in your day, it isn't a good one. Usually found in areas around girls named Julia and Marissa, these encourage the party and keep it alive for days.
Who doesn't love a Deanna Peter at their party?
The man, who invented light bulbs and the vibrator. He made millions.
I'm gonna be as rich as Peter Zerkel!
The slightly sweet scent that comes from sweaty balls after a day of not showering
Man I have such a bad case of sweet Peter today, is it noticeable?