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Pope John Paul II

1) One of the greatest men to every walk the earth.
2) Utmost respected by not only the Catholic Religion but others including Judaism and Islam.
3) Considered by many to be the greatest man alive until his death on April 2, 2005.
4) Earned the respect of billions of the world's population.

Pope John Paul II will be made a saint.

by Will-I-Am2 May 5, 2005

430๐Ÿ‘ 112๐Ÿ‘Ž

KSI Vs Logan Paul

a Youtuber boxing match coming on August 25th most people are waiting for and the rapper Post Malone is rooting for KSI

person 1: hey dude are you excited for the new ksi vs logan paul boxing match?
person 2: yea bro! who are you rooting for??
person 1: Logan Paul who are YOU rooting for???

by ESKETEKMYBROODA July 23, 2018

18๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Robbing Peter to pay Paul

To take something from one sorce and use it towards another.

Many folks believe that this metaphor has its origin in 16th-century England, when part of the estate of Saint Peter's Cathedral in Westminster was appropriated to pay for repairs to Saint Paul's in London.

Jacob: I think I'm going to apply for another credit card so I can pay off some of my bills.

David: Robbing Peter to pay Paul, eh?! Just be carful not to get into debt.

by MoonCricket March 27, 2005

215๐Ÿ‘ 53๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pope John Paul II

Definitley one of the greatest men in History, and one of the people who helped end the cold war.

I am Agnostic, but i still belive that Pope John Paul II was a good man.

by MoistTowlette April 25, 2008

240๐Ÿ‘ 69๐Ÿ‘Ž

paul revere middle school

Basically a jail. You can't wear what you want (you're shorts must to your knees or longer), the teachers are all crazy and unhelpful, and everyone ends up pushing each-other through the hallway. People smoke weed, lose their virginity, and cry over Formspring.

Girl1: Yeah, I go to Paul Revere Middle School

Girl2: Oh that sucks what do you wear?

Gir1: jeans, turtle-neck sweater, converse. they don't let us wear anything cute.

by peaco33 September 19, 2011

36๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Logan Paul suicide Forest

When Logan Paul went to a suicide forest in his stupid fucking hat and saw a dead body

Nick Crumpton" did you see Logan Paul suicide forest video?"
Jeff " That vid was awesome im going to that forest tomorrow"

by heff6969 May 7, 2018

25๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Paul Rudd Radar (PRR)

Paul Rudd Radar or PRR its acronym means to have an inner radar that mysteriously notifies a woman, man, or any fan regarding any new movies, appearances, or magazines starring Paul Rudd. It's almost like a Spider Sense, but more like a Paul Rudd Sense. It's like a Death Eater's Mark on the inner forearm, but instead it signals Paul Rudd's fans of his return to the big screen, small screen, or print media.

Ever since Clueless, I've kept up with Paul Rudd, I've developed a serious case of Paul Rudd Radar (PRR).

I felt a sudden surge in my PRR when I heard about the August 2010 edition of GQ.

My Paul Rudd Radar is so strong, I was one of the few who felt the transmission being emitted from 2008's I Could Never Be Your Woman.

by mischief81 July 15, 2010

12๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž