Drinking your own piss while in the shower.
I can’t wait to drink some shower whiskey!
Black shower means when a bus is going to leak oil on you. The oil has to be well used so it's black.
Bus: wanna come on a ride?
Me: no thanks but I can take a black shower
Bus: fine by me, but you have to lay under me first vrooom vroom
Blood shower is when you intake many womens period blood
"Girl make a Blood shower and let swin in it!!!"
Continuously taking cold showers can rapidly affect your sperm count and over time cause shrinkage to male genitals (penis).
Man 1: "Im worried my penis is shrinking."
Man 2: "Well stop taking all thoes cold showers!"
* Permanent affects of men taking cold showers *
To bathe in cheap cologne to avoid actually showering to cover your stench from manual labor.
Damn bro I can smell that dude from over here. WTF did he do take a spick shower in old spice.
Using hand sanitizer to clean ur armpits then applying deodorant
I don’t have enough time to get ready so I guess I gotta take a staten island shower lmao don’t judge
The act of getting kneed up the ass so hard that you can feel your hip bone shatter and your ribs cracking.
*Guy 1 walks up to Guy 2 laying on the ground moaning in pain*
Guy 1: Yo bro what happened?
Guy 2: I don't know man it happened so fast. I think some guy made me take a shower with Kevin.