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breakfast cafe staff team

when the staff team is poggers

i wish we could be like the breakfast cafe staff team

by beepboop_olive May 3, 2021

toilet tag team

when you and another person go to the bathroom and one uses the toilet and then, without flushing, the other person goes and uses the toilet. most of the time to “save water”, but who really knows.

person 1: “hey since we’re both here we might as well toilet tag team it.”

person 2: “great idea man! save the environment!”

these people are using the fucking toilet and are deciding to save the shit ass environment by not flushing between each use.

by Thicc Disappointment January 29, 2018

Silent team

When you have reached the most elite level of basketball and have the ablilty to silence an entire crowd

1: woah he’s sick at ball

2: yeah he’s on silent team

by recd December 29, 2017

Team Shower

When the JD throwers have a long ass practice and decide to get naked and have a co edshower with eachother in school. Normally games such as tag, laser tag, and alot of singing.

Ex 1- Don't drop your soap at the team shower or Ike will come for ya!
Ex 2- Get naked asshole's, team shower on three
Ex 3- Bend over asshole's, team shower on three

by Osama with yo mama November 16, 2018

Spire Creative Team


I wish I was on the spire creative team.

by tarler fernbill January 14, 2021

Team Retribution

On bottom

Person 1: Have you heard of Team retribution?
Person 2: Is that the team with the leader that can't speak for the whole team?
Person 1: Yeah. That's them.

by PandaOnTop February 7, 2021

old mill football team

Shitters who got packed by broadneck

Old mill football team got shit on

by Oxpy October 13, 2021