when you shit on a guy's dick and then you slap a ho.
dude james don't be a fag and just give him the ju ju bar.
A type of measurement for any activity that's fun, gross, and awesome.
Hey dude that skateboard trick was a 7/10 on the Gnar-Bar!
Dude I just took a $h1+ and it was a 8/10 on the Gnar-Bar
A person who goes out with friends and goes from one bar to another one.
Bro, I’m bored let’s go bar jumping bruh!
behavior characteristic of when someone, especially a man, behaves as Katrina’s abusive ex-manchild boyfriend did throughout their pathetic 2.8603-year-long relationship.
Carol: Tonight, James rage-quit after I beat him at three rounds of Super Smash Bros, and now he’s not talking to me because I refused to fuck him.
Katrina: Huh. Classic Bar behavior.
A nice black, interesting, light skin mixed person with a giant cock that all the girls in Oak Hills Desire.
Wow!!!!! Devin is such a Klondick Bar! He's such a daddy!
You freeze a stick of butter until solid so that it does not melt. Then you insert the frozen stick of butter up your asshole, after working the cornfield all day. Next you poop the stick of butter back out and eat it for extra protein after a long day of work.
I was so hot and hungry after work, I was craving a Wisconsin Protein Bar.
The bar you went to last night but forgot what it was called because you were too drunk to remember.
Friend 1 : “That Shnazna Bar was great last night wasn’t it”
Friend 2: “Yeah haha what even was that place”?