This nigga named Jahlil Savage Reece
Jahlil is the definition of dumb shit
1: Some real hot garbage. Totally worthless pieces of shit
2: Some brain dead asshole who can't do shit. Its a miracle they don't forget how to breath, though, it would be nice.
1:"Hey don't worry about the stuff I put on the internet, its just some dumb shit.
2: "Joel is such a dumb shit, its amazing he functions as a person at all"
alright i can say the alphabets backwards and forwards in just 2 seconds you ready, abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz, zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba, you dont believe me? watch it in slow motion. NIGGA YOU DUMB AS HELL
When you have taken AP classes in High School then go to a college where you find your classes easy. You now feel like they have "Dumb Down College"
This class is easy . It's like they have Dumb Down College
Being a dumb ass is to do something against what your COMMON SENSE would tell you to do
Using “Za warudo” in front of the smartest crusader. NOW JOSEPH KNOWS YOU HAVE TIME STOP DUMB ASS. kakyoin will send a message to him and you. will. die. dio.
When I say i’m a literal dumb ass it means I did something that would be stupid to other people