25 kids 75 ex's 1000000 hired security
My direct line could triangulate in 7s three times M4 RPGs and flashbangs mk6s and aks
This was a technique used by the German/Nazi army in WWI. In order to create a larger, stronger army for a future World War that the Germans had already known would happen, they would line many healthy and strong men in a line and order them to masterbate in an orderly fashion. Each man would have a partner placed across from him with a bucket in between the two of them. The two would take turns, and be forced to provide seman 16 times per pair. If the pair does not meet the requirement, they were severely punished. Most of these lines would take place in small warehouses with roughly 480 men, 240 pairs. After the collection of seman, the officers would ship it to fertilization facilities where a similar practice would happen with women but instead of producing, they are using the produced seman from their male peers.
This practice is often used today at college parties.
Jizz lines were an awful, inhumane, and oddly kinky practice used by the Germans many decades ago.
A creature of unknown origin that demands those who step even a microcosm out of line to go to the back, there is no arguing with the line goblin for the line goblin is on the side of the people and everyone agrees with them
Filthy line goblin told me to go to the "back of the line pal!"
What a beaurcrat and/or politician does when the bottom line isn't in the right place, they just move it.
We tired to balance the books but the closest we got was a bottomish line.
The indentation or tan line left behind when a wedding ring is removed.
"I almost hooked up with that waitress, but she noticed my bastard line."
Mandie Line is a woman who appeared on the hit zoomervision show "all the boys love Mandie Line"
jizz conga line is when someone is analy fucking your ass and finishes inside, then the person recieving busts a nut, thus the jizz goes from person to person. this method can also be combined with an anal train.
bro i walked into the toilets and there was 3 dudes doing a jizz conga line