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batcrap crazy

A person who is batcrap crazy is certifiably nuts. The phrase has origins in the old fashioned term "bats in the belfry." Old churches had a structure at the top called a belfry, which housed the bells. Bats are extremely sensitive to sound and would never inhabit a belfry of an active church where the bell was rung frequently. Occasionally, when a church was abandoned and many years passed without the bell being rung, bats would eventually come and inhabit the belfry. So, when somebody said that an individual had "bats in the belfry" it meant that there was "nothing going on upstairs" (as in that person's brain). To be BATcrap CRAZY is to take this even a step further. A person who is batcrap crazy is so nuts that not only is their belfry full of bats, but so many bats have been there for so long that the belfry is coated in batcrap. Hence, the craziest of crazy people are BATCRAP CRAZY. ( thank/thanks kbli)

It has been reported brain eating zombies protesting in Washington DC, one was quoted as saying " we are not only starving, we are asking the FDA, to require labeling for those whom are batcrap crazy, warning "taste like batcrap", FDA defended their policy position, "we here at monsanto don't believe in labeling what we put in anyone's food"

by twz January 31, 2015

crazy fists

goin rover with your fists

im gonna go crazy fists

by p digglet November 29, 2009

Crazy Af Bitch

This bitch is generally a girl whom is about to finna go off

Oh, Trinity is just a crazy af bitch, no big deal

by tbork2025@cfc.k12.wi.us December 16, 2020

Trump-shit crazy

What you need to exhibit when you need to portray an image scarier than a rabid, urinating, maskless bat from Wuhan singing in the choir, an image to rival that of the shit arranged for your consideration , you need ONLY be "Trump-shit crazy", a SOLID 11 dialled up on the crazy knob.

If a husband "pokes the bear" to make a point to his jealous wife, he had better peg his dial at 11, "Trump-shit crazy" if he expects to even be noticed as being "upset".

by You rReal Name July 2, 2020