A Peter Pan look-a-like. He is as well incredebly stupid. He is ugly. Tylers do not really do anything with their lives. They suffer from ADHD and depression, but will always be there for you in any and ever way possible.
Everybody: Hey yo you meet Tyler yet?
Everybody else: Yeah he's pretty stupid.
Tyler is a sexy person, but behind all the sexiness is a deep person. Tyler values success, hard work, and most all positive energy. He has a lot going for him in life, but sometimes all of his goals may overwhelm him, and set him back a little . He has difficulty figuring out where to start because he has so much in mind that it’s impossible to start them all.
What separates him from other people is his soul. Tyler has an unique soul that leaves a mark on anyone that he has interacted with.
He always has positive intentions, but that doesn’t mean that those around him have the same intentions. Because of this, it makes it hard for Tyler to open up and completely be himself around people since he does not know who genuinely wants the best for him. Tyler has a lot going for him in life but his main obstacle is himself.
I listened to what Tyler said, and it made me look at the world differently.
Tyler's are cute, fun, and also very silly. They are also very popular. They love to poke fun at people and at times can be annoying. On the outside, they may seem and act like complete fools but once you get get to know them, they are amazing friends! They would do anything to protect their loved ones and they love to make others around them happy. Tyler's can also be very prideful at times as well. In other words, they like to flex off their skills. One other thing to be noted about Tyler's are their gorgeous blue eyes and brown hair. They have the heart of a child but the brain of an adult. They love to sing, dance, are great drawers, they do not fall in love very easily.
Me: Wow look it's Tyler!
Tyler: Yeah! That's me. What's up?
Me: Your cool
Tyler: That's because I'm awesome! 😉
Me: Your right!
Tyler is a sexually confused person who trys it on every girl he meets but then turns most gay. Tyler has a gay rod and is a hopeless fisherman and should give up. Tylers love a pokie bum wank and really likes boys. His oxford st name is tdawg and loves a blue romance.
Watch out for tyler he will turn the girls gay buy gay rods and can only catch bait.
Dead marriage.
Deserved to die.
Hahahahahaha your wife only loves you out of spite for ME hahahahahahahaha that "marriage" was as real as her.
Fake it till you make it " I oNlY f*cK WiTh pEOplE oN My LeVeL". Inbred idiot.
Amari thinks she loves Tyler. Tyler thinks he loves Amari. Neither one of them are honest with each other or themselves. "Love" is not meant for either of you.
Death, sexual assault, pain, repeat.
That's your past. That's your future. That's the life you chose. Dayvons slut.
Literally the most perfect boy in the world. He has so many friends and every time he’s with them he goes crazy and has the best time of his life. If you ever are lucky to date a Tyler you will never regret it. He will always make you smile when you are at your lowest or when you just don’t want to smile. He can have some problems of his own but you just call him and he’s back to smiling again.
The most perfect boy in the world is Tyler