A "Dirty Isla" is when your girl is choking on your cock, and you twist her nipple till she screams and drop a load at the same time.
That girl almost choked after getting a dirty Isla
When some ones ass and rip their pants off without consent
He dirty Kaelahned me
A man in his 30s who is always up his moms ass, thinks he’s the most gifted and athletic human in exsistance, also secretly has a poop fetish but is in a lot of denial
My uncle is such a dirty bradley
When you're running a train on someone, they bend backwards, and toot: "Tanks for the Tip!" before exhaling a huge vape rip from their mouth funnel.
She wanted me to take her to Sodor so we did the Dirty Bradley!
When you have a vibrating egg in her pussy and you ass fuck her while controlling the egg via remote. She is a hot sexy desirable woman. You cum in her ass and then use a dildo in her ass to make her cum so hard her legs are twitching.
Get ready for a Dirty Desiree tonight.
Dirty Thiago is the same as big horn, you can use it to annoy a Thiago that you've known.
"This cow has a Dirty Thiago."
"I know a Thiago that has Dirty Thiagos!"
APRIL 9 is National Dirty Texting and Nudes day!
Text that somebody special everything you wish you could do to them and show them what they’re missing out on!!
New chat - Hey! Today is April 9 - National dirty texting and nudes day! I want to fuck you!…here’s what you’re missing out on
New snap
Received chat - I would love that…come over!!