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dirty promise

When your fucking and you tell the girl your not going to cum and you purposefully get her pregnant so she stays with you

"I told my gf I wouldn't cum, guess I'm a dirty promise"

by September 2, 2021

Dirty sherpa

Raunchy Ranbo playing video games with his boyfriends

Dirty sherpa took talked dirty while playing MWZ

by Nikle January 9, 2024

Dirty snow ball

A derivative of the snowballing technique in which cum is received into the mouth of an individual but instead of being deposited directly into the mouth of a second individual it is deposited into an asshole. The residual deposit is collected back into a mouth and reintegrated into another mouth to perpetuate the snowballing cycle.

Tom Brady loves to catch a good dirty snow ball

by Gronkball99 October 25, 2015

dirty snowball'

when you eat your own cum out of someone else's ass and they don't use mouthwash

"I didn't dirty snowball' Sarah because it wasn't my cum, I'm a virgin. I just kissed her after she licked another man's asshole, without using mouthwash."

by mandyismarried February 15, 2024

dirty snowball

when you kiss someone (lovingly) after eating your own cum out of their ass

"that wasn't a dirty snowball, the kiss wasn't loving, and it was someone else's cum."

by mandyismarried February 15, 2024

dirty snowball

when you kiss someone (lovingly) after eating your own cum out of their ass

jack and five others had a dirty snowball fight

by mandyismarried February 15, 2024

dirty saw

Dirty saw = A hot rod chainsaw,one that has been modified beyond its manufactures original intent. This includes but not limited to porting or opening up the exhaust port,Balancing the crank,cleaning up the ports in the head to allow for better fuel and air flow.

Why use a box store saw when you can really let the chips fly with a dirty saw or a hot saw. Box store chainsaw= chevette. hot saw or dirty saw= top fuel funny car!

by falconburn January 21, 2012