When you staple your balls to a Christmas tree in an old folk’s home and shout “CHRISTMAS IS COMING” every 25 minutes
Named after the legendary Christopher Forde
“Did you hear he did a Dirty Christopher last night?”
The act of eating shit leaving a fecal mustache. Then taking back shots with said fecal stached face hitting the headboard
"Did you hear Jacob got 'Dirty Christopher' - ed? I bet he's gonna be cleaning his bed for days."
The act of eating shit leaving a fecal mustache. Then taking back shots with said fecal stached face hitting the headboard
"Did you hear Jacob got Dirty Christopher - ed? I bet he's gonna be cleaning his bed for days."
Getting so drunk that you use a rando’s toothbrush that you found in the bathroom of a house party
He was so sauced last night he pulled a dirty Frannie, slapped a burger and then dipped.
When you ejaculate with your man part down her throat and when you pull it out she throws up on it.
That dirty fiesta was so warm and dirty last night.
Adjective. A descriptive characterization of any one who benefits politically or financially from charter schools beyond the scope of a normal paycheck earned from the efforts of actually working in the classroom.
An individual who is charter dirty recognizes the profit potential of charter schools- especially in states that boast lax charter laws, and has a pre-disposition toward making decisions in conflict with the interests and welfare of public school children.
The assembly member has accepted huge campaign contributions from the charter industry lobby, and consistently votes against charter school financial accountability. He is more charter dirty than I thought.
I was going to go into that bar but there’s a Dirty Rossie in there hitting on all of the girls... and some dudes.