Eduardo is a mysterious creature. He believes he’s funny but in actuality has humor dryer than the Saharan desert. Eduardo’s can be classified as weaboos or anime lovers. If you meet an Eduardo R. RUN
Look it’s an Eduardo R. RUUUNNNN!!!
So... Noah? Right? Because he's the one who did the thing. Yeah, no, he's a piece of shit. Totally. But so is anyone else doing the thing to me that you are all doing. So there... You all suck. Complete fucking bums.
Hym "On a different note: I am CLEARLY better than everyone. R-Strategy mating is better than an incest ritual. I think I'll just do that."
A person with the spelling of double A double R at the start of their name, this person is usually hung up on their ex girlfriend and loves to drink either Stella or Stella
Stop being hung up on Jess and get a Stella down you double A double R
Used as a date rape drug, and the reason you shouldn't leave your drink unattended at a college bar.
Sarah: that creepy guy at the bar bought me this drink, I don't think I should drink it in case he slipped in some Vitamin R
Root & dash - a common practice utilised by fuckboys of Sydney.
The boys: Oi Jono how was last night?
Jono: yeh she was aight but probs will probs chuck a R&D