the act of telling your friends something urgant
OMG Kenzi! Kris! DEATH COM 7!! My mom is pregnant!
When you get so bored that you type all possible letters on your keyboard, but you didnt think about using the option / alt button, did you?
I am so `~1!2@3#4$5%6^7&8*9(0)-_=+qQwWeErRtTyYuUiIoOpP{}\|aAsSdDfFgGhHjJkKlL;:'"zZxXcCvVbBnNmM,<.>/? that I could type in qweiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm and maybe even mnbvcxzlkjhfdsapoiuytrewq
When you are so damn bored you type every single typeble letter in a portuguese chromebook keyboard
(please end my suffering i'm so fucking bored i dont have anything better to do)
Friend 1: Yo bro what you doin?
Friend 2: "'!1¹@2²#3³$4£%5¢¬&7*8(9)0_-=§˛q/w?e°rtyuiopª{asdfghjklç}º|\zxcvbnm<,>.:;─·ŧħ®ŋ°đ“þø→↓←ŧ«æß»ð©đ“ŋ”ħnĸł´̣̣
Friend 1: Did you just have a fucking stroke
Hug your crush day
Don't be shy, just do it!
*hugs crush*
crush: wtf
you: it's November 7
crush: oh okay <3
November 17 is national kiss your boyfriend or girlfriend day!
Me: “Hey babe it’s November 7”
Girlfriend: “oh baby do you need a kiss come here”
This is the day where you get a free period and you're aloud to eat food in class.
"Hey Sir today is November 7".
"Okay, kids all get your food where having a free period".
Many people celebrate this great day so all the teachers will know. But try and make the kids forget.
It’s my birthday.
Ask me out.
Also, give candy to people named Phil.
“Hey what day is it”
“November 7”
“Oh thanks here’s some candy, Phil”